Why I Love Winter In the South

Daffodils in February

Because it’s February, and the daffodils are already in full bloom.


Participating in my first ever Wordless Wednesday hosted by the ladies at Spilled Milkshake and My Own Little Corner.

24 thoughts on “Why I Love Winter In the South

    • Yes, precisely! The first year we were down here when I realized that it was Azaleas, daffs, and … everything that was not-just-crocus, I thought it was some kind of freak mistake!

  1. To be honest, it doesn’t look that much different waaay up here.

    Last year we had an early spring, and then it snowed, freezing the early buds off a lot of plants and trees. Just Mother Nature being an evil little B!tch I guess.

    • Oh GOD yes – the month of yellow is coming. I stop liking the South as it gets warmer. I expect a corresponding summer post about why I hate living in the South as the heat hits, too.

  2. I’m starting to think that I should start work on my gardens too this year. And my hubby and I keep meaning to go get more propane so we can bbq. Mmmmm! BBQ!!! 🙂

    • The irony here is that we bought this house with amazing landscaping. The family before us obsessively yard-worked. Me? Yeah I’ve done nothing. The yard is gorgeous still, but it will eventually go downhill, since even my basic maintenance skills suck!

  3. OMG that far already. I’ve seen crocus and hosta coming up here in Chicago, but not my daffodils. Wonder what this all means for our beloved summers?

  4. Even here in the midwest, my tulips and daffodils are coming up. It’s been so warm this winter. I really, really hope it stays warm enough to sustain them, I’d hate to see them killed!

  5. that would certianly make me happy, i can’t wait for spring! I want to find a way to do some gardening on my balcony but I have never done that before and i’m already an original “black thumb”

    I am popping in from the W.W. hop and I am now a new follower! Happy Hopping!

    • {Waves hi!} The trick to balcony gardening is good aeration of the soil. Toss some gravel in the bottom of your planters to keep the soil from grinching together around the opening…at least I think that’s why I was doing it ages ago? Anyway, whatever the reason, it did seem to help. Good luck! Thanks for stopping by and following!

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